Blog Archive

Saturday, August 13

Newly Wed Reality Check

Surfing around other blogs, I found someone else who loves the book "Angels on Assignment" - the amazing story of Roland Buck, a hillbilly American pastor who had numerous supernatural angelic encounters prior to his death/promotion to glory. The story is told by Charles and Francis Hunt -- ISBN 0-917726-33-2, Hunter Books, Kingwood, Texas, 1979 - so it's old. Highly recommended. Some found it highly controversial (what else is new?) Some years ago, I bought a box load and made the book required reading for my Bible students. From the preface: "This is a book which should be read and re-read often as God penetrates our hearts with His blueprints for living."

All of the above was said to say this: the guy's blog has got a wedding picture up (in fact it is all he has up right now!) So I posted a "newly wed" comment. Here's a copy of what I wrote:

  • Put your trust in Jesus every day
  • Be sensitive to each other
  • Don't let society dictate your values
  • Have a shared Godly vision
  • Determine to live beyond this life (This earth is not our home!)
  • Above all, stay in love as an act of faith, not a response to feelings.

Do these things and you'll remain truely blessed. And get a copy of Angels on Assignment from OK folks, so much for the newly wed advice.. now I've got to practice what I preach! Forget reality shows - maybe my next blog entry should be from my wife - it will be my marriage "Reality Check."

Thursday, August 11

Relationally-Relevant St. Michael's

This morning, I'm trying to sort through lots of notes, bills, papers which seem to multiply like weeds. Came across a note I made on the back of a donation envelope from St. Michael Le Belfrey (Anglican Church of England) earlier this year. St. Michael's is situated in the centre of the ancient city of York, in the shadow of York Minister. It's an evangelical stronghold, thanks to the writings of the previous vicar, the late David Watson.

David's books on church life are respected worldwide, and for good reason. Did David's theology work in practice, however? For an answer, let's take a crash course on life today at St. Michael's, starting with the simple words on their offering envelope: "Bring in - Build up - Send out." Not very profound, perhaps. But when I checked out to see how they achieve this, I was pleasantly surprised. St. Michael's now has a prominent "cell" structure in place, meaning that much of the significant activity of the believers takes place in relationally-relevant small groups (my terminology) that meet at sundry times and places, including homes and workplace.

In explaining the concept of "cell life", up in St. Michael's nave is a massive display board - seemingly larger than the high altar itself. On it, written in letters plain, is the following acrostic, that I scribbled on the back of the said offering envelope:

Christ at the centre
Every member ministering
Learning and growing as a Christian
Loving one another - making good relationship
Seeking to multiply

Knowing a bit about St. Michael's, my guess is that this represents the uncompromised practice of the church, too. I'll have a lot more to say about relationally-relevant church in future days, partly because I think most of what we call "church" simply isn't. But that must wait for future posts.

One closing comment however, especially for my American friends. Those who think the Church of England is dead perhaps are right. But should that stop us, or give us reason to point the finger? I think not. After all, as Christians, our fundamental belief is in the resurrection, and surely that includes church congregations too. In my estimation, some of the most spiritually alive and vibrant expressions of local church life in the UK today are found in the Anglican and even (Roman) Catholic communions. I'm sure to draw flak for this, but I'm more than willing to take it.

Frankly, my considered observation from over 30 years of international ministry is that some of our most deadly tradition-bound churches are to be found among those who wouldn't be seen dead in any litergically-based church, especially if it bore the name of Catholic. Sadly, these tradition bound folks often include some who claim a "full" gospel of healing and deliverance. Call me a heritic, but sorry folks, we must break out of our old wineskins and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with the new wine of a total gospel. I don't know about you, but I'm still on the journey, and I'm pleased to announce that it appears that I've got members from St. Michael's Le Belfrey along as fellow-travelers. That both humbles and blesses me!

Wednesday, August 10

Quiz: What's Your Model of Church?

I just checked my long standing friend Barbara's blog at Titbits and Treasures and she's completed a quiz that might appeal to the "churchies" among us. I've just given it a go myself, and here's my results:

You scored as Herald Model. Your model of the church is Herald. The organization of the church is much less important than the urgency of announcing the Good News of salvation to all the world. The Holy Spirit moves the individual to belief in Jesus Christ and to do the will of the Father by sharing this message with others. As with other models, the narrowness of this model could be supplemented by drawing on other models.

Herald Model


Mystical Communion Model


Servant Model


Sacrament model


Institutional Model


What is your model of the church? [Dulles]
created with

Funny thing, I did the quiz first time last night, but messed up the HTML code on the blog, so re-did it this morning. The latest results (above) still firmly declare I'm "Heraldic" (cool terminology.. have to remember that one!) Mysteriously overnight my "Mystical" side appears to have overtaken my "Servant" side. One score stayed the same: 22% for "Institutional Model". Too many people getting that kind of score won't keep parish priests, pastors and rabbis happy, but may account for why I'm often happiest out in the uncharted waters of the unchurched.

Sunday, August 7

Too Spiritual to be Christian?

This is part of a prayer request we got from members of our prayer team who are serving missionaries in the Far East today: "At times (this individual) speaks highly of Christianity; and my correction: to follow Jesus. Then he says he is interested in all religions but Buddhism is deep in his heart. Thanks for praying.."

My response: It sounds like there is a "base faith" of buddhism that is the comfort zone (your subject) reverts to. This can cause tremedous conflict for an individual, because he probably perceives christianity as being less spiritual than eastern religion in general. As christians, we emphasis redemption -- that is our calling card if you like -- but we tend to down-play spirituality in a way that followers of eastern religion can relate to. It also is due to the westernisation of most observable Christian activity around the world, and that can be a stumbling block. My guess is, he wants to embrace an Eastern Jesus... and I'm not sure there is anything wrong with that. The less western consumerism baggage he has to carry, the better off he'll be. Hope this helps!

Now that the Archive is finished...

It is really early Sunday morning, and as this blog is now created, I can rest from my labours. (Unlike God in the beginning, I'll leave it for others to grade my handiwork!) The "archive" posts relate back to the 2nd Iraq War and were kindly erased by the inJesus webmaster, when they started charging subscriptions.

Today, in purging my inbox of several thousand emails, I retrieved at least some of the posts, so have put them up on the blog for "safe keeping." The best article from that period I can't find right now - it was my report of the National Prayer Breakfast where Anne Graham Lotz was the keynote speaker, not that long after 9/11. When it comes to light, I'll post it up. Some of my writing from years ago is still on another server (Hi Barb!!) so watch the "links" sidebar thingie, and I'll put a link there.. in due course. I am not the most organised individual, which is why an easy to update blog such as this is so great!

Archive Item #6

The Prayer Network Update - Powered by InJesus IRAQ #5: Hidden Hero Flies to Iraq


by John E. Ruffle, London, England, 28th March, 2003. John filed the following report for the UK edition of "The Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches & Ministers International" newsletter, see: This explains his emphasis and references to "FGFCMI" throughout this piece. For the sake of clarity and time, he has decided to publish the article as is on "The Prayer Network" update.

Not many of us in the UK lead mega churches. Imagine, however, having a congregation of over 700. Now think of having to move the entire congregation abroad for at least six months - and not for a holiday, but to front line battle! An awesome responsibility. Yet this is exactly what fellow FGFCMI member, US Army Chaplain Leng Malia, did when her Army Unit flew into Iraq during the second week of the war.

In late March, just before leaving Fort Hood Texas, Chaplain Lang told me of her efforts in helping soldiers and their families come to terms with the reality of war. "Lots of soldiers are panicking and are stressed out," she said. One of the army's "hidden heroes", as a US Army captain, Leng is the highest-ranking Philipino in her division on active duty. Her responsibilities include the pastoral care for both male & female troops in full combat conditions, with lots of counselling and moral support thrown in. She will also be presiding over what everyone wishes could be avoided: funerals.

Back in Fort Hood, her husband Tom, (also an accredited FGFCMI chaplain), has been left, literally, "holding the fort." With 60,000 personnel and with an area of 386 square miles, Fort Hood claims to be the largest military camp in the free world. In peacetime, the camp would have 93 chaplains. All but 15 are now in Iraq.

To help shoulder the desperate need, Chaplain Tom will be comforting Army families and taking services on base in addition to his ongoing responsibilities in the local civilian hospital. He is staying busy: within seven days, Tom had responded to nineteen "code blue" calls (the highest level of alert). When I spoke with him, he'd had just three hours sleep between emergencies.

Especially with the uncertainties of war, husband and wife team Tom and Leng need our prayers. That is why a group of intercessors that I lead on the Internet have committed to pray for this couple in particular, as well as the UK and US troops, their families, and of course the POWs.

To gauge the level of commitment these prayer warriors from around the world - including missionaries - have, they are now considering attending the FGFCMI International Convention in Chicago, 10th to 13th July this year, just so they can meet, fellowship and pray together face to face for the first time!

Chaplain Malia would love letters that she can share with her unit - and thanks to the popularity of Britain's military stand in this war, ones coming from Britain might be especially welcome! Please email them to me at and I will ensure that they get to her unit on the Iraq front line. Copyright 2003 John E. Ruffle "The Prayer Network Update" John E. Ruffle is an ordained media minister, FGFCMI-UK member, college lecturer and journalist. A member of Chiswick Christian Centre, west London, he was accredited as a FGFCMI chaplain at the 40th International Convention in California last year. He can be reached for media interviews or for prayer training events at May be reproduced for non-profit purposes provided article is unedited & includes author credit, copyright notice & website address. A freely-given ministry to the Body of Christ in Jesus' name.

Archive Item #5

The Prayer Network Update - Powered by InJesus IRAQ UPDATE #4: The First 48 Hours
John E. Ruffle, Mar 21, 2003

Dear Praying Friend, I don't need to tell you that this is a grave time for the coalition, Israel, and indeed, Western civilization. What follows is a brief update from London, England covering the 1st 48 hours of conflict.

Friday, 20th March, 2003, Ealing, W. London, UK.

Less than 5 hours after the 1st missiles were launched, I was at our early Morning Prayer meeting at St. Paul's Church, Hammersmith, west London. We were reminded of a prophecy from last week that spoke of the days of "Costless Christianity" being over. Still wearing the American Flag lapel pin that I wore to Westminster on Tuesday, I passed an anti-war student picket line to get to college. They reminded me of my own misguided student protests during the Vietnam era, so I can relate, if not to their politics, at least to the zeal and desire to "change the world." Later in the day I held a small college prayer meeting. Meanwhile, a coalition of London's main church networks scrambled to announce a massive prayer meeting to be held in Westminster Chapel and overflow venues, slated for this Saturday, (22nd March) at 1800 GMT/1300 EST.

Friday, 21st March, 2003, Ealing, W. London, UK.

It was with tears in my eyes that it hit home that our Royal Marines and US Army have paid the ultimate price, when a C46 Sea Knight went down with the loss of all on board. Shortly afterwards, a US Marine became the 1st allied casualty from enemy fire. Our heartfelt prayers go out to the bereaved family, friends and unit members of these brave men (and possibly women). May Jesus blanket your hearts in the love that goes beyond the human. Our troops have not died in vain. Be assured that Jesus weeps too, and I believe that they are all now in His hands.

It is a sad but fitting tribute that the 1st casualties of this war involved British and American troops shoulder to shoulder, brothers in arms. I am proud to be British today, but also very sad with tears for the loss of these loved ones, who today are unquestioned heroes. The Eight British Royal Marines who died when the Sea Knight went down were from Three Commando Brigade, Plymouth, England. Our Prime Minister Tony Blair has just paid tribute to those who died, calling them:

"Brave men that gave their lives for a more secure world. We owe them an immense debt of gratitude, and our thoughts and prayers are with their friends and families."

This 1st price of war is also a stark reminder for us to literally lift 'chopper rotor blades up in prayer. As we know from the 1st Gulf War, aircraft can be very vulnerable to damage in the desert, especially the helicopter rotors.

Dr. Richard H. Pritchard (Col, USAFR - Ret)

Col. "Dick" Pritchard tells us that in W.W.II, there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every day at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and for peace.
There is now a group of people organizing the same thing in America, Col. Pritchard says. Wherever you are, If you would like to participate, the time is:

Every evening at 9:00 pm EST (02:00 am +1, GMT)

So stop whatever you are doing (in my time zone, sleeping!) and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, its citizens, its men and women in the military, and for peace in the world.

Update on our Global Prayer Team

In addition to the above, many of our Prayer Team members on our prayer forum list are joining a prayer watch, which is at the early stages of a 24 hr Global Shield of Prayer. We are not the only ministry doing this of course, but we are a truly multinational group, originating in Britain. While focussed on US/USA/IRAQ CONFLICT, we have Christians praying in African nations and Pakistan as well. "Prayer Network" subscribers are welcome to get involved. Log onto our home page at: and follow the on-screen membership criteria. This "Prayer Network" update reflects the content of selected and edited group posts this week - for a take on the news as it happens, then please consider subscribing to the interactive group. Also, please feel free to fwd this to all and anyone.

Finally, if you know anyone in, or friends and family of, the armed forces, then please direct them to our allied Aviation & Military Fellowship Support Group Forum, at:

Although this is the first email newsletter for some time, as a network of prayer, we have all been busy behind the scenes: ALL our groups have undergone major upgrades over the past weeks in preparation of what I saw as an inevitable conflict. However, since we do not yet have our own domain, we operate on 3 separate home page URLs. These are filled with relevant links, including Bob Glass' "Word for Today" updated daily. We also now have accredited chaplains available to help in any Iraq Conflict related issue.

Surrounding you with HIS Love

John E. Ruffle, Prayer Network Chaplain, (FGFCMI, Dallas TX & London, UK) For friends or family needing information on the British personnel that perished, phone this local rate number when dialled within the UK: 0845 741 4544. (We will rely upon our American allies on the list to provide US information, as and when appropriate.) Please forward, copy or redistribute this newsletter for the Glory of Jesus. Copyright 2003, "The Prayer Network". A free update service for the Christian family and interested friends. Visit our home page at:

Archive Item #3

From: The Prayer Network Update
Sent: Fri 11/04/2003 11:01
To: john ruffle
Subject: ["The Prayer Network" Update] Living Waters #3

The Prayer Network Update - Powered by InJesus

Living Waters #3
Francis Frangipane
Apr 11, 2003

"The USA has not conquered Israel; we are fighting to keep Israel alive.
Listen to Saddam and bin Laden's repeated rebuke to America:
both say they are warring with the U.S. because we protect 'the Zionist state'"

Author and editor John Ruffle,
writing exclusively for Living Waters Update
on "The Prayer Network" says:

Last week we published Part One of an article by renouned author and minister, Francis Frangipane. This week, in the concluding part, Francis continues exploring the ISRAELI link to the current fighting in IRAQ, and comes out against the popular and tragic Christian heresy, "replacement theology." As Francis' quote above reveals, the current fighting in Iraq has a lot to do with the satanically inspired, irrational HATRED that so many have towards Israel. As I stated last week, we are in a battle against two opposing spirits, that also reflect in the natural as opposing worldviews. Although Francis does not explore this further here, believers who embrace replacement theology - the notion that the spiritual body of Christ has replaced natural Israel as God's chosen people - fall into the twin traps of misinterpreting the nature of God and misreading the clear precepts of Scripture, leading to an anti-semitism as ugly and destructive as anything we've seen previously. Whether willfully or just out of plain ignorance, such Christians are used by the devil to mount a "blue on blue" - friendly fire - attack that is just as lethal as anything the enemy could mount directly.

I may not make any friends for putting this viewpoint so categorically here on the web. But it needs to be said, and I wish to be counted as a supporter of the present day State of Israel. For my Jewish brethren reading this today, know that I love you, and the State of Israel, dearly.

Well - that was by way of introduction. The following article, written in a far more scholarly manner than I am capable of, originally appeared on the "Visionary Advancement Strategies -Seattle-USA" website at . This concluding part is uncut, and unedited in substance except for the addition of sub-titles. If you missed the first part of this article, it can be viewed at our website:

by Francis Frangipane
Mar 29, 2003

What I am about to write will challenge some of you. Some will react so emotionally to my next words that they will forget everything I chronicled last week concerning America's support of Israel. A few will demand to be taken off our mailing list. So, let me reassure you once again that I believe God will ultimately restore the Holy Land to its biblical borders, according to His promise, in the fulness of His time and ways. However, when a few suggest God's wrath has repeatedly struck America because our President proposes a Palestinian state (or that 9-11 was God's wrath for just voicing such a suggestion), I must disagree.

The classic text used to support this view is Joel 3:2, which reads, "I will gather all the nations, and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land."

I know people mean well, but accusing the USA of dividing Israel's land does not overlay into this verse. First, it is speaking of the Great Tribulation period, not now. And clearly, this verse is addressed to Israel's enemies, those who plundered and scattered the Jews. The USA has not "scattered [the Jews] among the nations," as this verse warns. Indeed, since 1990 nearly one billion American tax dollars were given as "resettlement" grants for Russian and Ethiopian Jews in Israel! see

The Lord's wrath concerning the dividing of Israel's land had to do with the armies that conquered Israel, scattered the Jews, then "divided the land" as plunder among themselves. The USA has not conquered Israel; we are fighting to keep Israel alive. Listen to Saddam and bin Laden's repeated rebuke to America: both say they are warring with the U.S. because we protect "the Zionist state" (Israel). In this regard, our enemies can see with better discernment than a lot of us Christians!

Part of ending Israel's conflict is finding a viable, compassionate solution for the Palestinian problem, a solution that guarantees Israel's right to exist, as well as a homeland for the Palestinians. Typically, we Christians have hoped the Palestinians would relocate to another Arab nation. However, with the majority of the Palestinians living on Israel's eastern border, it is possible that their nearness to Israel, and their lack of gas masks, is a primary reason the Jews have not suffered massive chemical or biological attacks.

Yet, I am not saying that the answer for Israel's peace is a Palestinian state (I believe the Lord will bring forth a better solution in time), but we should not be paranoid. America is a gift from the Almighty to Israel. The USA is not participating in doing what the spirit of Joel 3:2 warns against. As for the "links" between Presidential remarks about a Palestinian state and the wrath of God striking American interests, this seems to me a very subjective interpretation of events. Indeed, if one were to chart American headlines during any decade in the past 50 years, there are plenty of storms, accidents, earthquakes, floods, setbacks, stock declines, and other problems and disasters that appear with almost predictable regularity. To link a typical, reoccurring pattern in a very large nation to divine wrath seems hard to swallow.

If the Almighty would appear to a pagan king in a dream and warn him against sleeping with Sarah, Abraham's wife (Gen 20:3), I think He could appear in a Christian President's dream and warn him against dividing the land. The real God is very wise, good and all-powerful. He would not have to strike America with disasters hoping we would connect His so-called flashes of anger with Israel's land.

You may disagree with me, but I am one voice who says that I do not see Joel 3:2-3 as a warning to America. There certainly are many other things wrong with the USA, but scattering Israel's people and occupying her land is not one of them.

Again, please remember I am not espousing replacement theology; I love Israel and Jerusalem, and have faith for God's best, even to extending Israel's borders to biblical boundaries. However, I think we simply need to pray for both Israel and the USA, and trust the Almighty to work all things after the counsel of His will. More than anything, let us not be distracted by such rhetoric. For there is a mystery, a divine and holy mystery, unfolding from God's heart. It concerns the intertwining of Israel and the USA. Before Jesus returns, we will see God's heart manifested in a supernatural grace concerning the union of these two nations. Beloved, as you can see, "usa" has always existed in the center of Jer-usa-lem.


Francis' article was quoted from the following website:

Archive Item #4

From: The Prayer Network Update
Sent: Thu 01/05/2003 13:34
Subject: Message for Day of Prayer

The Prayer Network Update - Powered by InJesus

Message for Day of Prayer
John E. Ruffle, May 1, 2003

To those gathered to pray for the United States of America: Christian greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

It is with great joy and anticipation that I write to you and commend today's PRAYER BREAKFAST and WALK (in Maryland, USA) to the grace of Almighty God. Be assured that here in London, England, our prayers are with you.

Those gathered to walk and commune together in prayerful fellowship today have entered a high calling at a strategic time for both the United States of America, Great Britain and freedom-loving nations around the world.

I am filled with immense gratitude that your President has proved himself to be a man of such integrity in this current period of war and crisis. President George W. Bush has acted from principal rather than from expediency: God will bless and honour him and your nation for this.

It is inevitable that his detractors would attempt to defame him; it is inevitable that not all would stand with the bold decisions that he has made in these past months. It is inevitable that mistakes have been made, just as it has also been inevitable that loyal members of the Armed Forces of both our great nations have paid the ultimate price in defending that which is right.

Our prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those who have perished; our prayers are sent to comfort those who have been wounded in the line of fire. Here in Britain, it has been our great privilege - and duty - to stand with the United States in these past months, not just physically, but also in Godly prayer and spiritual leadership.

Your gathering today is, I believe, a catalyst for righteousness and truth across the American continent. May God bless and enrich your nation as a result. In accord with Ephesians Chapter Six, God has granted those that pray an authority to seek out and overcome the forces of destruction, wherever they may be hidden. Your prayers ARE and WILL CONTINUE to make a strategic difference in the streets of your cities, and among the nations of our world.

As Ms. Cari Dominguz, (Chair of U. S Equal Employment Opportunity), addresses your assembly today, may you experience that mighty anointing that the Holy Spirit administers according to the Will of God. May every one of you know that your brethren in Great Britain desire peace, blessing and righteousness for your great land. May you know and experience the close comradeship that comes from our standing shoulder to shoulder with you spiritually in prayers, supplications and intercessions, now and always.

God Bless America!

Humbly, Your servant,

John E. Ruffle

Full Gospel fellowship of Churches & Ministers International.
Founder, Maranatha Christian Ministries/Freelygiven Prayer Network

Archive Item #2

The Prayer Network Update - Powered by InJesus Living Waters #2

Francis Frangipane, Apr 4, 2003

The "Relationship between Evangelicals and Israel
is more than doctrinal;
God has given a special grace
uniting Israel with born again Christians.."

Author and editor John Ruffle, writing exclusively for Living Waters Update on "The Prayer Network" says:

One thing that I've found strange about the current conflict in IRAQ is how the role of ISRAEL has been played down by the popular media. Actually, so long as Scud missiles stay away from her borders, I'm glad. Because make no mistake, this war is about Islam, and the Nation of Israel. More accurately, it is about the satanically inspired, irrational HATRED that so many have towards Israel. And it is about two opposing spirits. It is also about the way that the USA - and (as a British citizen, thankfully) Britain, has been standing in the gap, spiritually and militarily for that tiny state.

It is for these reasons that I'm taking the unusual step of forwarding an article from a third party source. But what follows is by an author that I respect highly: Francis Frangipane. And what Francis here relates about the "special relationship" that exists between Israel and USA is ignored at our peril. Appearing on the "Visionary Advancement Strategies -Seattle-USA" website at, this is the first part. It is uncut and unedited. All I have done is include sub-titles. The final part will be emailed to you next week.

- John E. Ruffle, editor. Email:

by Francis Frangipane, Mar 29, 2003

"Suddenly his whole countenance brightened
and tears actually rimmed his eyes.
Oblivious to other travellers,
he put his arms around me and thanked me"

I was sitting in the Cleveland airport when an angry businessman, about 14 feet from me, suddenly said, "I hate going through security. They searched everything. I even had to take off my shoes. Its all because of the Arabs." He continued speaking, but his language and solution to terrorist problems are not fit to print.

We continued talking and, when our flight was called, we walked together toward the plane. Switching from terrorism, he now had very harsh words about the Pope. As we boarded, I suggested we sit together and continue the conversation. However, the seating configuration didn't permit an easy switch, so instead of talking with him, I prayed. As I did, I felt like the Lord showed me this man's heart. He wasn't just angry, he was deeply wounded. His profanity and outrage were his means of dealing with injustice.

We soon arrived at our destination and, as we arrived and the plane locked into the boarding tunnel, I waited for my new companion. As he neared, I said, "You're Jewish, aren't you?"

"Yes," He responded. "Judaism is both my culture and my religion."

I told him I am committed to the Jewish people, and that no matter what else is happening worldwide, I not only financially support Israel, I try to pray for the Jews daily. We had just entered the Detroit terminal when I mentioned, "If there's any good news for Israel, it's what has been happening among Evangelical Christians. Truly," I said, "there has never been a people more supportive of Israel than today's Christians."

"Are you one of those?" he asked. And, suddenly his whole countenance brightened and tears actually rimmed his eyes. Oblivious to other travelers, he put his arms around me and thanked me. In a spectacular moment of grace, we had become brothers.


Evangelical Christianity, especially that which is originating from America, has increasingly proven itself over the past decades to be a faithful and committed friend to Israel. Indeed, the heart of the praying church toward Israel has been no secret to the Jewish people, reaching even as far the Jewish business community in Cleveland, Ohio.

This relationship between Evangelicals and Israel is more than doctrinal; God has given a special grace uniting Israel with born again Christians. This unity between America and Israel is not limited to our spiritual bond, of course. Israel's government, both militarily and economically, is connected with the USA. Yet, in a unique way Evangelical Christians are engaged in a spiritual love affair with Israel and the city of Jerusalem. At times we have suffered emotional turmoil, being fiercely loyal to Israel, while also feeling the heartache attached to Palestinian suffering. Yet, make no mistake, by treaty and by love, America in general is deeply committed to Israel, not only to its "right to exist," but to its prosperity and destiny.

Consider: Although Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world's population, and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes (14th highest), it receives approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget. Yet, in addition to the several billion taxpayer dollars America supplies, several more billions come into Israel from American churches, synagogues and private individuals. (Interestingly, the top two nations, per capita, in charitable giving worldwide are the USA and Israel).

Or consider Israel's wars, whether the Israelis were fighting Syrians, Jordanians or Egyptians, armed American B-52's flew overhead, like hovering birds protecting a nest, ready to step in and defend Israel. As we know, God Himself gave Israel her victories, but America's heart and resources were poised to help. Indeed, while America has a genuine rationale legitimizing the war with Iraq, there is also a powerful unspoken reason that is acknowledged quietly by our foes: our war with Saddam is, in part, to keep him from using weapons of mass destruction against the Holy Land.

Indeed, it is profound that the first Gulf War, led by the USA, ended on the Feast of Purim and that this next war has commenced on this feast. (Purim is the Jewish Feast celebrating God bringing deliverance to Israel from a harsh, Babylonian ruler!)

To be concluded next week

The above message previously appeared at: Questions re. the original text should be addressed to: The author's opinions are not necessarily those of "The Prayer Network"

Archive Item #1

From: The Prayer Network Update LIVING WATERS #1 The Prayer Network Update - Powered by InJesus

LIVING WATERS #1 Apr 1, 2003

This message first appeared on our sister group, "Living Waters," which as of April 1st 2003 has now joined forces with "The Prayer Network." As a welcome to our many new subscribers here at "The Prayer Network", I am re-mailing an update I wrote for our Living Waters subscribers back in October 2002. You may forward or use this update for any non-profit purpose. Please include a credit line with our website address, - Author John E. Ruffle

Live M:Pact European Youth Conference Brief Report

London's largest church - Kensington Temple - held their 1st G12 European Youth Conference this past weekend. It was magnetic; awesome! Guest speakers were Freddy Rodrigruez and his wife, Pastors at MCI, Bogata. Guest worship leader was UK's international acclaimed Matt Redman, founder of "Soul Survivor" youth ministries.

Although in the mid-1990's, during my tenure as a KT "satellite" pastor, I was an early pioneer of the concept of "cell church" in the UK, I had some inner reservations which I now realise were due in part to the "do your own thing" non-apostolic nature of the pre-Bogata models. At that time, I had the privilage of meeting some of the world's leaders in the pre-Bogata cell vision, and learned from first hand experience the concept of cell church. But there was always a missing something that made it all just too sterile, mechanical.

What God is doing now around the world now, however, is truly apostolic, with the authority resting in Christ Jesus and those HE has chosen as His servants. The reservations I once had in the far-Eastern-based model have been answered in G12.

Check out the KT site for details - and streaming video from the conference is due to go up soon, Colin Dye told delegates. KT is now running at just over 9000 people in cells, (although some in the USA have been claiming that current "membership" is over 12,000!) Estimates run as high as 15,000 - the reason depends on if "branch" congregations are included in the figures. - Those who think that "God is dead" in Britain had better think again!

