The Prayer Network Update - Powered by InJesus Living Waters #2
Francis Frangipane, Apr 4, 2003
The "Relationship between Evangelicals and Israel
is more than doctrinal;
God has given a special grace
uniting Israel with born again Christians.."
Author and editor John Ruffle, writing exclusively for Living Waters Update on "The Prayer Network" says:
One thing that I've found strange about the current conflict in IRAQ is how the role of ISRAEL has been played down by the popular media. Actually, so long as Scud missiles stay away from her borders, I'm glad. Because make no mistake, this war is about Islam, and the Nation of Israel. More accurately, it is about the satanically inspired, irrational HATRED that so many have towards Israel. And it is about two opposing spirits. It is also about the way that the USA - and (as a British citizen, thankfully) Britain, has been standing in the gap, spiritually and militarily for that tiny state.
It is for these reasons that I'm taking the unusual step of forwarding an article from a third party source. But what follows is by an author that I respect highly: Francis Frangipane. And what Francis here relates about the "special relationship" that exists between Israel and USA is ignored at our peril. Appearing on the "Visionary Advancement Strategies -Seattle-USA" website at, this is the first part. It is uncut and unedited. All I have done is include sub-titles. The final part will be emailed to you next week.
- John E. Ruffle, editor. Email:
by Francis Frangipane, Mar 29, 2003
"Suddenly his whole countenance brightened
and tears actually rimmed his eyes.
Oblivious to other travellers,
he put his arms around me and thanked me"
I was sitting in the Cleveland airport when an angry businessman, about 14 feet from me, suddenly said, "I hate going through security. They searched everything. I even had to take off my shoes. Its all because of the Arabs." He continued speaking, but his language and solution to terrorist problems are not fit to print.
We continued talking and, when our flight was called, we walked together toward the plane. Switching from terrorism, he now had very harsh words about the Pope. As we boarded, I suggested we sit together and continue the conversation. However, the seating configuration didn't permit an easy switch, so instead of talking with him, I prayed. As I did, I felt like the Lord showed me this man's heart. He wasn't just angry, he was deeply wounded. His profanity and outrage were his means of dealing with injustice.
We soon arrived at our destination and, as we arrived and the plane locked into the boarding tunnel, I waited for my new companion. As he neared, I said, "You're Jewish, aren't you?"
"Yes," He responded. "Judaism is both my culture and my religion."
I told him I am committed to the Jewish people, and that no matter what else is happening worldwide, I not only financially support Israel, I try to pray for the Jews daily. We had just entered the Detroit terminal when I mentioned, "If there's any good news for Israel, it's what has been happening among Evangelical Christians. Truly," I said, "there has never been a people more supportive of Israel than today's Christians."
"Are you one of those?" he asked. And, suddenly his whole countenance brightened and tears actually rimmed his eyes. Oblivious to other travelers, he put his arms around me and thanked me. In a spectacular moment of grace, we had become brothers.
Evangelical Christianity, especially that which is originating from America, has increasingly proven itself over the past decades to be a faithful and committed friend to Israel. Indeed, the heart of the praying church toward Israel has been no secret to the Jewish people, reaching even as far the Jewish business community in Cleveland, Ohio.
This relationship between Evangelicals and Israel is more than doctrinal; God has given a special grace uniting Israel with born again Christians. This unity between America and Israel is not limited to our spiritual bond, of course. Israel's government, both militarily and economically, is connected with the USA. Yet, in a unique way Evangelical Christians are engaged in a spiritual love affair with Israel and the city of Jerusalem. At times we have suffered emotional turmoil, being fiercely loyal to Israel, while also feeling the heartache attached to Palestinian suffering. Yet, make no mistake, by treaty and by love, America in general is deeply committed to Israel, not only to its "right to exist," but to its prosperity and destiny.
Consider: Although Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world's population, and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes (14th highest), it receives approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget. Yet, in addition to the several billion taxpayer dollars America supplies, several more billions come into Israel from American churches, synagogues and private individuals. (Interestingly, the top two nations, per capita, in charitable giving worldwide are the USA and Israel).
Or consider Israel's wars, whether the Israelis were fighting Syrians, Jordanians or Egyptians, armed American B-52's flew overhead, like hovering birds protecting a nest, ready to step in and defend Israel. As we know, God Himself gave Israel her victories, but America's heart and resources were poised to help. Indeed, while America has a genuine rationale legitimizing the war with Iraq, there is also a powerful unspoken reason that is acknowledged quietly by our foes: our war with Saddam is, in part, to keep him from using weapons of mass destruction against the Holy Land.
Indeed, it is profound that the first Gulf War, led by the USA, ended on the Feast of Purim and that this next war has commenced on this feast. (Purim is the Jewish Feast celebrating God bringing deliverance to Israel from a harsh, Babylonian ruler!)
To be concluded next week
The above message previously appeared at: Questions re. the original text should be addressed to: The author's opinions are not necessarily those of "The Prayer Network"