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Sunday, August 7

Too Spiritual to be Christian?

This is part of a prayer request we got from members of our prayer team who are serving missionaries in the Far East today: "At times (this individual) speaks highly of Christianity; and my correction: to follow Jesus. Then he says he is interested in all religions but Buddhism is deep in his heart. Thanks for praying.."

My response: It sounds like there is a "base faith" of buddhism that is the comfort zone (your subject) reverts to. This can cause tremedous conflict for an individual, because he probably perceives christianity as being less spiritual than eastern religion in general. As christians, we emphasis redemption -- that is our calling card if you like -- but we tend to down-play spirituality in a way that followers of eastern religion can relate to. It also is due to the westernisation of most observable Christian activity around the world, and that can be a stumbling block. My guess is, he wants to embrace an Eastern Jesus... and I'm not sure there is anything wrong with that. The less western consumerism baggage he has to carry, the better off he'll be. Hope this helps!

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